sábado, 13 de junio de 2020











VIRTUAL  CLASS.  9:10 – 9:50


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 160 .                                                                   

Track   87 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dwkUh55cFUsWb4UG-FHyjvI2A3oYbb9z/view?usp=sharing

Powerpoint performance.



Topic: Vocabulary     Showtime


Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1.


Listen to the song and follow.

• Play Track 87, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dwkUh55cFUsWb4UG-FHyjvI2A3oYbb9z/view?usp=sharing  You have to listen and follow along in your book.


Activity 2.

Present the Vocabulary (10 min.)


• Watch the flashcards to learn  the movie adjectives . Say the words and  repeat  them .

• Answer : Which word in the entry is the opposite?

• You should  know that a classic movie is a relatively old movie that people over the years have agreed is excellent.

•Guess what! The word hit in this   case means that a hit movie is a very popular one.





Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 160 .                                                                   

Grammar  and  Vocabulary    book pages  106 .


Topic: Vocabulary     Showtime


Activity 1. 


Read and circle the hyphenated adjectives in the song.

• You have to scan the text of the song to find and underline all the hyphenated words.

• You have to add any word you missed.


VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 160 .                                                                   

Track   87 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dwkUh55cFUsWb4UG-FHyjvI2A3oYbb9z/view?usp=sharing

Powerpoint performance.



Topic: Vocabulary     Showtime


Activity 1 . 


Test your movie knowledge. Write the correct titles.

• Read the instructions and the movie titles aloud.

• You have to read the sentences aloud and agree on the movie.

• You will have seen these movies or heard of them (or others in the series, for Despicable Me, Harry Potter andPirates of the Caribbean).

• If  you haven’t you may  want to find trailers for these movies.







VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book pages  161.

Grammar  and  Vocabulary    book pages  107 .

Track 88 https://drive.google.com/file/d/18W996bmenajBapXeMXfk0wbNkt6jVcmt/view?usp=sharing

Topic:   Grammar   “ Each - Every ”



Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1 . 


Read and circle the answers. Listen and check.

Manage Your Class

You have to read the text silently and circle your  choices in pencil, using screen I powerpoint  as a reference. Then You have to compare with the class.

Answer: Is the noun singular or plural? Is it about one (sound)? Two? More than two?






Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book pages  156  .

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BxrtBeLgL56hf7HyZQ7DbdGi047ax2Nd/view?usp=sharing


Topic:   Grammar   “ Each - Every ”


Activity 1 . 


Match the sentence halves about Jack Foley.

Read the instructions aloud. You have to recall from the article: Who is Jack Foley?  What are sound artists called today? (Foley artists.)

You have to  read the sentence halves.

You have to try each sentence half on the left with the options on the right. Then you can check to see if the sentence makes sense.

You  can  match in using powerpoint. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BxrtBeLgL56hf7HyZQ7DbdGi047ax2Nd/view?usp=sharing


Activity 2 . 



Activity 3 . 


Discuss. How do you think foley artists make these sounds?

You have to read the instructions and items.

You have to use the objects or others in the home to make the best sound effect.

You have to share your version of each sound effect for the class to vote on the best.

You have to predict what foley artists would do.


Grammar  and  Vocabulary    book pages  107 .












Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book pages  162 -164 .

Track 89 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1npD2RIBtOy6Wv0dtR2zXgwi4N3PgeMG3/view?usp=sharing

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mnli8YPKDBZzXE5cICt8ZxQsAmYER4tz/view?usp=sharing


Topic:   Reading   “Movies  through  the  years”


Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1 . 


Look at the pictures of movies. In what decade do you think each movie was made? Why?

You have to read the title and preview the movie stills.

Elicit that the pictures go from simple black-and-white to detailed full-color animation, so you must be going from oldest to newest. Answer  if you  can identify any of the movies or characters.



Activity 2 . 


Read the article again and write the paragraph headings.

You have to  read loudly.


Find the following information. Use the headings to help.

You have to identify the heading under which they would find each piece of information.

Then you have to answer individually.


Match the words with the definitions.

You have to find each term in the text, read the context to find clues to its meaning, and then match it to the correct definition.

I  know   that you   can  draw a picture of each item based on the text or your own experience.


Activity  3. 


Complete the timeline. Write a movie or event from the text for each year.

You have to complete the timeline based on the article. Remind that most of the events in the article are presented in chronological order







VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40



Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 165 .

Spelling notebook.

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrLgEyhupEI1WYMCaXxKPH0kestfb9zG/view?usp=sharing

Track 90 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1geKrBWBSBzkcsRhKaub8ZXP3L68waDQe/view?usp=sharing


Topic:  Listening      Summarizing  Key  Ideas


Activity 1


Which special effect does each person use? Listen and write the names.

You are going to listen to three special-effects artists talk about their jobs.

Play Track 90  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1geKrBWBSBzkcsRhKaub8ZXP3L68waDQe/view?usp=sharing and  listen and look at the pictures.

Then read the instructions, and the quotes. Read the names and repeat.

Play the track again for listening and writing.





Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 165 .

Grammar  and  Vocabulary    book pages  108 and 109.


Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrLgEyhupEI1WYMCaXxKPH0kestfb9zG/view?usp=sharing


Topic:  Listening      Summarizing  Key  Ideas


Activity 1 .


 Answer the questions in your notebook.


You have to answer independently.

Answer : How have special effects changed the way people make movies?


You have to write a summary of what each special effect can do and how it helps movie-makers.











VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 166 .

Track 91 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Eg1rzXcmavDSuioXNXw7knnIRLVr0tB-/view?usp=sharing

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lNW1OZWp7yPhPJm8Wp7_-wBuKOHhTNkE/view?usp=sharing 



Topic: Speaking   “Speaking with Expressions”


Activity 1 . 


Listen to each scene. Number the pictures in order.

You  will listen to dialogue from scenes in these movies based on children’s stories.

Play Track 91 for listening and numbering.


Listen again. What emotions are the characters feeling?

Read the question, and listen to  brainstorm. Write your ideas . Play the track again one scene at a time, pausing to give enough time to listen  and list the emotions.




Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 166 .

Powerpoint performance.

Vocabulary  and Grammar LOG  book page110 - 111.



Topic: Speaking   “Speaking with Expressions”


Activity 1 . 


Choose a set of lines below and read them aloud. Think about the character and the emotion. Try to show the same emotion as you read.

Read the directions aloud.

You  should read with exaggerated emotion rather than reading with not enough emotion

Invite pairs to perform from their seats.

You   will  solve   Vocabulary  and Grammar LOG  book page110 - 111.