sábado, 20 de junio de 2020










VIRTUAL  CLASS.  9:10 – 9:50


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 151 - 159.

Worksheets  L 3   T 9   1                                                                                    

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ijPcT9_yqGydhRLWkFnqcwx8XAIRvs8T/view?usp=sharing



Topic: Feedback    Topic  9 “Can  I  make a  movie?” Part  1


Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1.


We  have  to  review; Vocabulary

Movie-Making 3-D, actor, animation, camera, CGI, costume, crew, director, light, makeup, microphone, prop, script, set, sound effects, special effects, trailer.

Parts of a Drama cast of characters, characters, dialogue, line, plot, scene, setting, stage directions

Movie Genres animated, musical, sci-fi , thriller, western


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Vocabulary L 3   T 9   1






Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 151 - 159.

Worksheets  L 3   T 9   1                                                                                    

Powerpoint performance.


Topic: Feedback    Topic  9 “Can  I  make a  movie?” Part  1



Activity 1.

We  have  to  review; Grammar.

Quantifiers. Quantifier before a noun describe the amount or quantity. Language learners often have difficulty with choosing the correct quantifier. It may be helpful to review countable and uncountable nouns first.

Too Much, Too Many, (Not) Enough For more than the speaker’s preferred amount or quantity, use too much for uncountable nouns or too many for countable nouns. For less than preferred, use not enough. For the right amount, use enough.

How Much...? How Many...?How much...? is used with uncountable nouns and can be answered with a quantifier, measurement or number. How many...? asks for the quantity of countable nouns and is answered with a number.


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Grammar  L 3   T 9   1


VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 151 - 159.

Worksheets  L 3   T 9   2                                                                                    

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ijPcT9_yqGydhRLWkFnqcwx8XAIRvs8T/view?usp=sharing



Topic: Feedback    Topic  9 “Can  I  make a  movie?” Part  1


Activity 1 . 


We  have  to  review; Reading

Parts of a Drama Dramas, including scripts and screenplays, are meant to be performed, so their format is different from regular stories. They include a cast of characters, scenes, lines of dialogue, stage directions and settings


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Reading  L 3   T 9   1

Activity 2 . 


We  have  to  review; Listening

Making Inferences about a Situation. When students make inferences, they draw conclusions based on what they hear and on their own experience. Students can listen not only to the words but also to background cues to understand a situation


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Listening L 3   T 9   1


See   you tomorrow !     Have  an  excellent  day  !






VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Teaching Resources: tomorrow !   Have  an  excellent  Day !

Language LOG  book page 160 - 166.

Worksheets  L 3   T 9   2                                                                                    

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e0C-TPgPLwh3ZT7p2E40DsNgd0wu_Npc/view?usp=sharing



Topic: Feedback    Topic  9 “Can  I  make a  movie?” Part  2



Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1 . 


We  have  to  review; Vocabulary

Movie Adjectives action-packed, big-budget, black-and-white, classic, color, hit, PG-rated, silent.

Hyphenated Adjectives In this topic, students will encounter some adjectives with multiple words linked by hyphens, or dashes. Students can use the individual words to help them understand the meaning. The hyphenated term is treated as a single adjective in the sentence.


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Vocabulary   L 3   T 9   2


Activity 2. 


We  have  to  review; Grammar


Each, Every. Each and every refer to all the individuals in a group. They are used with a singular countable noun: every child. Each can also be used with of the and a plural noun: each of the actors. Each and every are used with a singular verb: Each of the actors has a line. Both, All /  Both and all refer to a group as a whole. Both is for a group of two, and all is for a group of more than two: both (of the) actors, all (of) the sound effects


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Grammar  L 3   T 9   2





Teaching Resources:

Language LOG  book page 160 - 166.

Worksheets  L 3   T 9   2                                                                                    

Powerpoint performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e0C-TPgPLwh3ZT7p2E40DsNgd0wu_Npc/view?usp=sharing


Topic: Feedback    Topic  9 “Can  I  make a  movie?” Part  2


Activity 1 . 


We  have  to  review; Writing

Writing Choosing Your Words Writers need to choose specific, vivid words to convey their ideas as precisely as possible. Students will practice choosing the right pronouns and adjectives as they write a review of their favorite movie.


We  have  to  work  interacting  with  the  worksheets. Worksheets  Writing  L 3   T 9   2


See   you tomorrow !     Have  an  excellent  day  !








Practicing Casting







VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Playing  Resources:


Topic:  Mimic


Good  morning  kids

How  are  you  today?


Activity 1 . 


We  are  going  to  play  Mimic.


There  will be  four  team.

Each  team   has  to  guess  which movie  or  T.V.  series

Their  Mimic teammate  is  trying  to  express the   movie  or  T.V.  series without saying  any word  or  sound.

They  have   four  minutes for  guessing.

There  will  be  two  rounds.








VIRTUAL  CLASS.  10:30 – 10:40


Casting  Resources:


Topic:    You can  be  an  actor



Previously  they  have  been  practicing  about  a character  from  Fairy Tales.


Activity 1 . 

 They have  to  act their  character.



They have  to  show how they  dominate  their  lines.

They have  to  use  their  imagination  for  dressing a  costume .

They have  to  express  emotions when act.

They can  work  in pairs.